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It’s been a while since the latest update.

On Easter Sunday, I finally began to feel the fatigue of the radiation. I had set my alarm for 7:15 am to eat breakfest, but didn’t actually get out of bed until 8:45. I then ate breakfast and promptly fell back asleep at 9:30 only to be woken up by my mother who called me to make sure she knew what to give my wife to bring over to the hotel for Easter dinner.

Dinner was so tasty, by the way.

On the 17th, the plaque was removed from my eye. We returned to my childhood home and I promptly fell asleep for 3 hours.

On the 18th, we drove home. We took our time, stopping at Hershey’s Chocolate World for the kids and just so my wife could catch her breath. it’s a long drive to Columbus, over 500 miles when you avoid driving through the very busy roads in Philadelphia. We arrived at home about 12 hours later taking 3 hour long stops.

Since then i’ve been resting.

Yesterday, i was able to take the patch off of my eye. It’s quite sore, but nothing that tylenol can’t manage. I put an ointment in the eye to fight infections and another to dialate the eye at night to help rest the eye muscles during sleep.

I’m still tired. Physical activity must be limited and I need to rest between doing simple chores around the house. I’m not allowed to drive until Monday, and this must be why.

Several of you have asked, can I see out of my eye? The answer is yes, and the vision is still messed up as it was before treatment. That’s expected, as it will take 3-6 months for this tumor to shrink so that my retina has a shot at reattaching. I’ll learn more as time goes on.

Thanks again for all the wellwishes and support. It’s amazing.

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